jueves, 22 de julio de 2021

Tres días hábiles para descartar el anillo

Decision on Your Submission-IJMEMS-21-0419_Withdrawn
Manuscript ID: IJMEMS-21-0419

Dear  Juan Manuel Dato Ruiz  WITH CC TO ALL AUTHORS
Thank you for considering IJMEMS as a venue for your manuscript.
Publishing in IJMEMS is becoming increasingly competitive, as there is limited space in the journal. With this in view, we have to prioritize papers that we publish and some good quality articles sometimes cannot be accommodated. We are unable to consider your paper for publication (paper/article has been withdrawn and you’re free to submit it at any other place) at this time because of the reason below:
-IJMEMS receives many submissions and we have to prioritize to publish multidisciplinary mathematical, engineering & management research (https://ijmems.in/aimsandscope.php) addressing clearly defined scientific questions of broad readership interest and impact.
-This decision has nothing to do with the novelty or quality of the described work.

As such, we formally release you to submit your work to a more appropriate journal on time. We know you will be disappointed by this response but we should nevertheless like to thank you for considering IJMEMS as a location for your work.


Yours sincerely,
Int. J. of Math., Eng. & Mang. Sc.



Esa horita que me gasté buscando pares no ha servido para nada. El muy HIJODEPUTA ni se ha molestado en enviar un solo correo.



Pero lo que realmente se esconde detrás es el hecho de que todo se maneja mediante castas: el que no es universitario no merece ni ser leído, ni nada. Esta tecnología puede existir perfectamente, pero eso no importa - ni van a leer el documento, ni van a probar el código, ni nada de nada.


Pura idiocracia.


2. La India

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