miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021

No me sirve de nada

 The journal declines a substantial proportion of manuscripts without peer review so that they may be sent to another journal without delay. Your work seems much more suitable for a mathematically oriented journal.

Thank you for your interest in Nature Biotechnology. I am sorry that I cannot respond more positively on this occasion.


Anne Doerr, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Nature Biotechnology


Dear Anne,
you must understand that you are sending this essay to the trash: there is no journal that will accept to peer review a mathematical work proposed by someone who does not have a university degree. In fact, there is no portal to try it.

You decided to ignore this, and for that reason the official knowledge will remain below the underground knowledge.

I hope you know what are you deciding to do for the Future of everybody placing this information out of public control.

Juan Manuel Dato Ruiz

¿Acaso voy a encontrar un journal de matemáticas que no te exija título universitario? Cuando intenté contactar con la universidad Politécnica de Cartagena ya me dieron largas, sin dármelas, aun teniendo muy fuertes contactos.

Me han rechazado el artículo sin asignar el peer review. No hay manera de que nada cambie, estamos abocados a la idiocracia. 


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